North Central Missouri College celebrates Black History Month and spotlights student Jeadan Nieveld

Jeadan Nieveld NCMC Student
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In honor of Black History Month, North Central Missouri College spotlights student Jeadan Nieveld. Jeadan is a first-year international student from Willemstad, Curacao, studying business and psychology. After completing his degree from NCMC, Jeadan plans to transfer to a four-year university to complete his bachelor’s degree in business and psychology.

Jeadan was born in the Netherlands and then moved to Curacao. Jeadan said about Black History Month and what it means to him, “Being in the states is different; back home, it’s not a big deal. I appreciate that Black History Month acknowledges all the accomplishments black people have made. Still, I also believe that it’s a part of history, and as Morgan Freeman said, we shouldn’t separate people and just celebrate everyone’s history together.”

Jeadan shares his culture with others by doing presentations and cooking a few dishes for others. Jeadan said, “I try to integrate my culture with others. When people ask, I share my heritage and my country. They ask a lot about food and culture, which is great to share. People ask me where I’m from, which helped me open up, talk to people, and get to know everyone at NCMC. Everyone is a big friend group here and welcoming. Jamie Cunningham, NCMC’s International Student Representative, also made me feel at home.” Jeadan went on to say, “Being at NCMC has helped me grow more open to people. At first, it was hard for me to open up and make friends, but now my friend group is really big, and I know a lot of people.”

At NCMC, Jeadan is involved in International Student Club and hopes to become an athlete this semester. He also lives on campus in the residence halls. Jeadan’s favorite class is Psychology with Dr. Lindsay Oram. Jeadan said, “Dr. Oram is a great teacher and teaches so that we can understand. I’m very interested in Psychology, so the class is enjoyable.” When asked about NCMC, Jeadan said, “I like the culture at NCMC. People are connected, and it’s like a big family.”

Black History Month is observed each February and pays tribute to generations of African Americans and their contributions to civilization. To learn more about Black History Month, visit the Black History Month website.

North Central Missouri College recognizes, uplifts, and amplifies the voices of our students and celebrates their unique heritages. To learn more about NCMC’s Diversity and Inclusion efforts, visit or contact NCMC at 660-359-3948.


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