Newtown-Harris R-3 Board approves salary and drivers pay schedules

Newtown-Harris School Website
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The Newtown-Harris R-3 Board of Education met on September 11 to discuss and approve various matters, including the support staff salary schedule and drivers pay schedule.

The newly approved support staff salary schedule covers positions such as paraprofessionals, food service workers and the food service director, custodians and the maintenance director, as well as the secretary and bookkeeper. Pay rates differ according to position.

The approved driver’s pay schedule sets a payment of $40 for regular bus routes. For additional trips, drivers will receive $30 plus $15 per hour for any time worked beyond the first two hours. Longer trips lasting more than eight hours will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

In other financial matters, the board set the local tuition rate at $13,500, unchanged from the previous year.

A transfer of $33,233.39 was approved from Fund 1 to Fund 4 to pay for projects completed through the School Safety Grant. The district received $50,000 from the grant in June, and the funds are being used to cover costs such as replacing windows and upgrading the elementary school’s main entrance. Payment of $35,000 is owed to Can Tex for these projects. Additionally, the district needs to pay IFS for installing an access control system. With a balance of $16,726.61 already in Fund 4, the board approved the transfer to cover the expenses and bring Fund 4 to a zero balance.

During the meeting, the board watched a video from Learn Life Savers and approved a plan to educate high school students about organ, eye, and tissue donation.

Several other items were approved, including the local testing schedule, local compliance plan certification, the substitute teacher list, and after-school staff appointments. A decision on Missouri Consultants for Education policy changes was tabled for further review.

The board also requested additional quotes for upcoming electrical work and discussed the need for board members to complete the Missouri Association of Rural Education board refresher training before the next meeting.

The board held an executive session following the regular meeting.

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