Newtown-Harris FFA to hold fundraiser auction and meal

Missouri FFA Jacket with emblem
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The Newtown-Harris FFA will hold a meal and worker auction to raise money for six members to attend the FFA Washington Leadership Conference in Washington, D. C. The fundraiser will be in the gym at Newtown-Harris on June 5th from 11 to 2 o’clock.

The meal will include pork, cheesy potatoes, green beans, pasta salad, fresh fruit, hot rolls, dessert, and a drink.

The worker auction will start on June 5th at 12:30. FFA members will be auctioned individually for eight hours of work. A group of four students will be auctioned for four additional hours, and a group of two will be auctioned for an additional six hours.

Newtown-Harris FFA members attending the Washington Leadership Conference this summer include Grant Oaks, Johannes Oaks, Landry Oaks, Andrea Pendergraft, Louva Rainey, and Carly Smith.

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