Newtown-Harris Board of Education meets

Newtown-Harris School Website
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The Newtown-Harris R-3 Board of Education approved Linda Hague as a foster care liaison at a meeting this week.

Principal Dustin Freeman reported the Professional Learning Committee met with the Northeast Regional Professional Development Center Representative Lori Ladwig to plan second-semester curriculum goals and meeting dates.

Missouri Assessment Program and End of Course exam scores were sent out with first semester grades last Friday, January 11th. The District Professional Learning Community team will attend the Powerful Learning Conference January 27th through 29th and the senior trip to the Lake of the Ozarks was also approved.

Superintendent Kim Johnson reported Family and Consumer Sciences teacher Linda Hague and district staff presented a program for parents about recent STEAM initiatives on which students have worked.

Area superintendents met with several state representatives and a senator to discuss education issues in upcoming legislation. Johnson said legislative initiatives affecting rural schools include open enrollment, vouchers, charter schools, decreased transportation funding, and MAP testing requirements.

Coach Ty Stillwell talked about high school basketball for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.

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