Newtown-Harris board approves technology and bus maintenance contracts

Newtown-Harris School Website
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The Newtown-Harris R-3 Board of Education approved a technology agreement with Quality Network Services on June 12th. Superintendent Doctor Matt Copeland reported that the services will be provided for $10,320.

Dustin Koon, the district’s technology director, accepted a technology sales position recently and will not return. Copeland mentioned that the consortium discussed options and determined that working with a dedicated company specializing in schools was the best choice.

The board also approved a bus maintenance contract with Lexington Diesel, which includes $150 per hour for work plus repair costs, billed monthly. The contract provides access to a spare bus housed in the Grundy County R-5 bus barn, the entire Lexington Diesel maintenance team, and on-site service at Newtown-Harris, Galt, or Lexington, depending on the required work.

The board approved gas and propane bids from MFA Oil at $3.04 per gallon for diesel, $2.73 per gallon for gas, and $1.60 per gallon for propane.

Discussion on the teacher salary schedule revealed that Senate Bill 727 requires a $40,000 minimum salary. The district plans to participate in the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant, which provides 100% funding to raise salaries and benefits to comply with the bill. For teachers earning above the minimum, the district will consider additional funds to align with last year’s salaries. Copeland proposed allotting $5,000 of local money to support these adjustments, aiming to meet future minimum salary requirements for teachers with advanced degrees and experience.

The board discussed compensating veteran teachers fairly while utilizing the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant. They requested an improved salary schedule to provide raises.

A budget-focused meeting will be held on June 24th at 7 p.m. to establish the 2024-2025 budget and close the current fiscal year’s budget. The July meeting was moved to the third Wednesday of the month to accommodate the district’s annual audit and the onboarding of new Superintendent Stephanie Hubbard, who starts on July 1st.

The district initiated a claim for hail storm damage on May 31st, which affected vehicles, windows, roofs, and the greenhouse protective membrane.

Results of the Missouri Student Survey were shared, showing 31 participants out of 48 students in sixth grade and older. The survey indicated minimal substance use and no significant threats reported by students. However, issues such as skipping school, bullying, and suicidal thoughts were noted.

Newtown-Harris received a $200,000 federal grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for an electric bus, although they had expected closer to $400,000. Copeland is in discussions with Lion Electric to maximize the use of the awarded funds, possibly layering additional grants.

The district is preparing for the new school year with the help of the Highway Patrol, ensuring full compliance with motor vehicle inspections. A School Safety Grant project is scheduled for the second week of July, focusing on entryway replacements, door access improvements, updated cameras, and secure vestibule work.

Plans are underway with Grundy R-5 for securing a music/band teacher. Former teacher Andrew Gooch offered to assist with the 21st Century/After School Grant program.

Summer school concluded on June 14th with about 25 to 30 students participating. Weekly water-themed celebrations and a visit to Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun highlighted the program.

Aron Neff and the summer crew are completing various projects, including grounds maintenance, classroom improvements, and waterproofing. Stage curtains are being processed, and work on the MOreNet and E-Rate projects will commence after July 1st.

GRM Networks finished updating fiber installation, with further instructions pending for internal connections.

Wagner’s provided yearbook options that will save the district approximately $2,500.

District staff received two days of professional development focusing on assessment-capable learners and curriculum development, aiming to improve student academic achievement. Each student completed an end-of-year assessment and writing prompt for teachers to assess progress in August.

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