New sidewalks targeted to enhance school route safety in Trenton

City of Trenton website updated June 2023
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The city of Trenton will apply for a second grant regarding the construction of sidewalks to aid children who walk to school. The city council authorized the preparation of an application Monday night but requested a review at a future meeting regarding specific locations for the sidewalks. City Administrator Ron Urton mentioned one target area to be considered is along streets leading to Rissler Elementary School. It was noted that many parents drive their children to the school, leading some to question the necessity of replacing sidewalks in the residential areas near the school.

Councilman Glen Briggs suggested that 16th Street between Lord and Oklahoma Avenue should receive consideration as it lacks a sidewalk for students who walk to the middle and/or high school. If the grant request is approved, Councilman Calvin Brown noted that property owners could benefit without contributing any funds to the sidewalks project. City officials will now consult with an engineer regarding the proposed location or locations, the amount of linear footage, and the cost estimate.

The first phase of a sidewalk project is along Highway 6 between 4th Street and the Dollar General at the west edge of Trenton. This involves a $130,000 grant in MoDOT alternative transportation funds, which requires a 20 percent local match.

Upon the request of Councilman Lou Fisher, the council approved allowing the fire chief to take his city-owned vehicle to his home outside the city limits, six miles from Trenton. Fisher noted that no equipment is kept in the vehicle other than Chief Brandon Gibler’s firefighting gear and mentioned the vehicle only has 8,000 miles on it. Mayor Jackie Soptic re-appointed, with council consent, Mike Hooker to the Trenton Police Personnel Board. She is also assisting the senior center and Grundy County volunteers in organizing a breakfast on April 23 during volunteer week.

Four members of Boy Scout Troop 97 attended the council meeting Monday night at city hall. Each introduced themselves. Scoutmaster Jeremy Chambers said the youth are working on their citizenship in the community merit badge.

In his report, City Administrator Ron Urton noted a city council workshop is scheduled for March 4 at 5 p.m. to review the employee wage study. He reported there will be an advertisement for bids on the boring project at 28th Street and Muddy Creek. Urton is collaborating with others on preparing the bid specs for the wayfinding signs and is working with the Howe Engineering Company on design phases for several infrastructure projects in Trenton.

Seven members of the city council participated in the meeting. John Dolan was absent.

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