Most area counties in northern Missouri have unemployment rates below state average

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Missouri’s unemployment rate is down to two point nine percent for July 2022 and most of the area counties have rates below the state average.

Grundy County is at 2.8% in July, up from two point three percent in June. But the latest rate is nearly one percentage point lower than it was in July of 2021 (at 3.7%) The 2.8% was determined with 111 unemployed out of a labor force of 3,932 in Grundy County.

Other counties and their unemployment rates include:

Livingston at 2.0%, Harrison at 2.1%, Putnam and Chariton at 2.3%, Mercer County at 2.6%, Sullivan, Gentry, and Worth are 2.7%, and Daviess at 2.8%.

Some of our area counties have July unemployment rates above the state average. They include DeKalb at 3.2%, Linn at 3.3%, Caldwell and Carroll at 3.4%, and Clinton and Adair counties at 3.7%.

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