MoDOT upgrades sidewalks in Chula, Wheeling, Ludlow for ADA compliance

Sidewalk project under construction news graphic
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The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is progressing with sidewalk projects in Chula, Wheeling, and Ludlow.

MoDOT Northwest District Eastern Area Engineer Michael Marriott reports that the department has an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition plan required at the federal level. The plan is set to be completed in the next few years.



Pedestrian facilities are scheduled to be upgraded in a few years in Green City to comply with ADA. Marriott says this is the same type of project as the one in Chula, Wheeling, and Ludlow.

Other sidewalk projects are planned for Princeton and South Lineville, scheduled for fiscal year 2026. This fiscal year indicates when the projects are expected to be let for bids.



The sidewalk project in Chula, Wheeling, and Ludlow is expected to be completed by late June.

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