Missouri woman sentenced for interfering with family housing rights

Judge with gavel at desk
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A Missouri woman has pleaded guilty to interfering with the housing rights of a St. Louis family. U.S. District Judge Rodney W. Sippel sentenced Judy Kline, 55, to five years of probation, the maximum term available for this crime. During her probation, Kline must remain in the nursing home where she is currently living and receiving mental health treatment, or a similar facility. She is also prohibited from contacting the victims or approaching their residence.

Kline once lived in the home decades ago and mistakenly believed her family still resided there, according to court documents. As part of her plea, Kline admitted that on January 5, 2022, she broke into the victims’ home armed with a hammer. She entered the basement, struck a dryer with the hammer, and then ran upstairs toward one of the residents, who managed to close and lock the door before Kline could reach the top of the stairs.

Kline then left the basement, went to the front of the house, and struck the front door and lock with the hammer. She shouted a series of demands for the Hispanic family to leave the home. Kline admitted that she intimidated or interfered with the family based on their race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.

During the hearing, Kline apologized and stated that she was receiving help for her mental illness.

The case was investigated by the FBI and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, with Assistant U.S. Attorney Christine Krug prosecuting the case.

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