Missouri State Auditor starts audit of City of Louisiana’s financial practices

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Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick announced that his office has started an audit of the City of Louisiana, located in northeast Missouri. The audit was requested by the Louisiana City Council, which had concerns about the city’s financial practices. Auditor Fitzpatrick said his office began the audit on Monday, May 13, with an entrance meeting with city officials.

The Missouri State Auditor’s Office last audited the City of Louisiana in 2000. Though the report was released before the current rating system, the audit revealed that the city did not have formal written bidding policies and procedures. Additionally, bids were not solicited, or bid documentation was not retained for purchases totaling more than $200,000.

Individuals may provide confidential information for consideration during the audit of the City of Louisiana to the State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline at 800-347-8597, by email at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov, or by visiting this link.

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