Missouri State Auditor launches audit of Mississippi County

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A regularly scheduled audit of Mississippi County, located in southeast Missouri, is now underway according to Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick. The audit officially began on Wednesday, May 29.

The State Auditor’s Office last released an audit of Mississippi County in 2016. The report gave the county a rating of “fair” as it identified several concerns, including a lack of oversight and review in the county collector’s office. In reviewing the county collector’s financial records, auditors noted a $2,000 unidentified balance in the office’s primary bank account and found an inactive bank account with an unidentified balance of about $4,000.

Individuals may provide confidential information for consideration during the audit of Mississippi County to the State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline at 800-347-8597, by email at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov, or by visiting this link.

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