Missouri State Auditor begins citizen requested audit of Orrick community

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Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway announced her office has begun an audit of the City of Orrick, located in Ray County. Residents of Orrick requested the audit through the petition process.

“I commend citizens for becoming involved in the petition effort and working to improve the operations of their government,” Auditor Galloway said. “My office will conduct a thorough and independent review of the city of Orrick’s finances, and I encourage anyone with information relevant to this audit to contact my Whistleblower Hotline.”

Individuals who would like to provide information for consideration in this or any audit may contact the State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov or by calling 800-347-8597. Concerns may also be submitted anonymously at this online link.

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