Missouri House Passes bill to defund Planned Parenthood

Mazzie Christensen (Photo via Mazzie for Missouri website)
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Second District State Representative Mazzie Christensen of Bethany reports that one bill passed by the State House this week to the State Senate involved defunding Planned Parenthood. She says it would essentially eliminate public funding for abortion facilities and affiliates in provision with Missouri HealthNet, which is Medicaid.

Christensen notes there was extensive debate on the bill.



The Mann Act, explaining it is a federal act that criminalizes the interstate or foreign commerce transportation of women for immoral purposes. She voted in favor of this week’s bill.

Similar bills have been passed by the state legislature in previous years, and they have been halted by the Missouri Supreme Court. Christensen notes the current situation is different.



Christensen says the judiciary can always deem something unconstitutional or decide not to hear it.



The Missouri House of Representatives passed several bills to the State Senate this week.

Second District State Representative Mazzie Christensen of Bethany reports one of the bills addressed human trafficking. It was titled the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Persons Act.



Another bill would prohibit institutions of higher learning, such as colleges and universities, from discriminating against a religious student association. It would also prohibit those institutions from denying a religious student association any benefits available to other student associations.

A bill Christensen believes was one of the best passed by the State House this week involved allowing smaller towns to reinstall population signs on city limit signs. The legislation aims to restore population signs.

She says she is a “big proponent of small-town pride” and believes it was a “real injustice” that population signs were removed.

The State House passed a bill to the State Senate this week that would approve emergency funding for the southern United States border.



Information from Missouri House Communications indicates the appropriations bill includes $2 million in funds for duties performed by the National Guard under gubernatorial orders. It also includes $115,074 for personal services and $91,683 for expenses and equipment.

Another bill would prohibit local governments from requiring private property owners to accept certain types of income from tenants. She notes the bill would enhance property rights for landowners.

She mentions a bill from First District State Representative Jeff Farnan of Stanberry that would allow individuals to pursue an apprenticeship as part of obtaining a funeral director’s license.

Aill passed by the State House changed the times candidates can file for an election.



Christensen says the candidate filing period would start earlier.

She reports she voted in favor of these bills, mentioning the Missouri House of Representatives has now sent 33 bills to the State Senate. There is one more week before Spring Break.



State Representative Mazzie Christensen.

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