Missouri Department of Conservation announces pump station update at Fountain Grove Conservation Area

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The Missouri Department of Conservation has provided an update on a new pump station at the Fountain Grove Conservation Area in Livingston County.

The contract was awarded to Capital Paving and Construction LLC, and construction is underway. The work includes three electric pumps pulling water from the Grand River, which will replace a single diesel pump.

The change will increase the volume of water that can be pumped. It will also allow more variance inflows as needed, according to weather and waterfowl needs at the 7,906-acre area.

Water is pumped only if the flow in the Grand River is sufficient, so pumping does not affect the river’s ecology or agricultural uses.

The project is Phase 2 of the Fountain Grove section of MDC’s Golden Anniversary Wetland Renovation Program. The renovation is expected to be completed in May.

More information can be found at this link.

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