Missouri Department of Conservation accepting applications in July for next agent training academy

Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) Agents (L to R) Caleb Sevy, Justin Pyburn and Sarah Foran
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The Missouri Department of Conservation is currently recruiting and accepting online applications to fill an academy class of conservation agent trainees.

Successful candidates will undergo 26 weeks of intense training in all facets of law enforcement and resource management/conservation stewardship. Upon graduation, newly commissioned conservation agents receive a county assignment and become the face of conservation in their communities – fairly enforcing the Wildlife Code of Missouri to promote voluntary compliance and serving the public “off the beaten path.”

Get more information on essential agent job duties, education requirements, experience and knowledge needed, required skills and abilities, physical abilities required, pay and benefits, how to apply, conditions of employment, and more, online at this link

To learn more about the job, contact MDC Protection Branch Major Brian Ham at 573-751-4115, ext. 3819 or Brian.Ham@mdc.mo.gov.

Want to know more about the work of conservation agents? Watch these videos from MDC with Conservation Agent Matt Smith at this link on YouTube and MDC Conservation Agent Lexis Riter at this link on YouTube.

(Photo courtesy of Missouri Department of Conservation)

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