Missouri Day Festival to host decorating and coloring contests in October

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The Missouri Day Festival Committee and the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce are organizing a series of contests for the upcoming Missouri Day Festival. These contests include yard decorating, window decorating, and coloring competitions, with participants encouraged to incorporate this year’s festival theme, “Let Freedom Ring.”

Southern Bank is sponsoring the yard decorating contest, which is open to both Grundy County residents and businesses. Participants will have the opportunity to win cash prizes, with $50 awarded for first place and $25 for second place in both the business and residential categories.

The window decorating contest, sponsored by Farmers Bank of Northern Missouri, is open to businesses and organizations. Cash prizes for this contest include $100 for first place and $50 for second place.

Entries for both the yard and window decorating contests will be accepted starting September 30. Contestants are encouraged to incorporate the “Let Freedom Ring” theme into their displays. The deadline for submitting entries for both contests is October 14.

Tractor Supply Company is sponsoring a coloring contest for Grundy County youth from preschool through the fourth grade. Coloring pages, designed using the festival theme, have been distributed to local schools. Prizes for this contest include gift cards valued at $15, $10, and $5 for the winners in each grade division. All coloring page submissions are due by October 11 at 4 p.m. at Howard’s Department Store in Trenton.

Winners of all three contests will be recognized during the Missouri Day Festival’s opening ceremonies, scheduled for October 17 at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Trenton.

For additional information regarding the yard decorating contest, residents may contact Marlisa Klinginsmith at 660-359-5211. Details regarding the window decorating contest are available from Bonita Price at 660-359-7386. For more information on the coloring contest, Jeanie Griffin can be reached at 660-359-7904.

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