Missouri Day Festival to feature coloring contest

Coloring Contest news graphic
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A coloring contest will be one of the promotions for the Missouri Day Festival next month. The contest is open to all Grundy County youth in grades pre-school through 4th grade. The coloring page is designed to promote this year’s theme “Homegrown since 1985”.

Information has been sent to the schools of Grundy County. Those who participate in the coloring contest are to return the completed page returned to the Trenton Chamber of Commerce office by 4:30 PM, Friday, October 7th.

Pages will be judged by grade level and must have the student’s name, school, and grade listed on the back.  Each year, contest organizations say some of the requested information is missing which results in the page being eliminated from the competition.

First, second, and third place finalists of the coloring contest will be awarded gift cards from this year’s sponsor, Orscheln’s Farm and Home. The cards are $15 for first place, $10 for second, and $5 for third. Pictures may be colored with crayons, colored pencils, or markers.

Prizes will be awarded at the Missouri Day opening ceremonies scheduled for Thursday, October 13th at 7 PM at the First Baptist Church in Trenton.

Coloring pages for the award winners will be returned to the students while all other pages will be displayed at Orscheln’s during the weekend festival.

Those with questions may contact Jeannie Griffin by cell phone at 660-359-7904 or by e-mail at jgriffin@mail.ncmissouri.edu.

Missouri Day Festival events are on October 14th and 15th.

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