Mercer County prepares for Plow Day event this weekend

Kevin Kirby on farm Tractor beginning sweet potato harvest (USDA Photo by Lance Cheung)
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Plow Day will be held in Mercer County this weekend. The event will take place on land owned by Mike Covey, west of Mercer, and will start on October 28th at 9 a.m.

A tractor and loader will be provided by Covey. Lunch will be served at noon.

Directions to the field where the event is held are to go west of Mercer on Route K, past the river bridge. Turn south onto Cher Road, then west onto Elliott, and finally, turn south to reach the field. Alternatively, participants can head west of Princeton to Route P, turn north onto Cher Road, turn east onto Elliott, and then south to the field. Signs will be posted.

For questions about Plow Day on October 28th, please direct inquiries to Dwayne Place at 660-953-0661, Duane DeMoss at 660-748-3977, or Mike Covey at 660-365-0214.

(USDA Photo by Lance Cheung)

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