Mayor Soptic announces Trenton chosen as Amazon distribution point

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Mayor Jackie Soptic has announced that Trenton has been selected as a distribution point for products purchased from the online retailer Amazon. After several months of study, Amazon officials selected a building site in the southeast part of the parking lot for Hostetler Grocery.

Mayor Soptic spoke this morning with KTTN news:



Soptic submitted eight possible sites for what’s called the “Amazon Pod,” and discusses how the site was selected:



The site will have electricity for the electronic locking systems on the doors, and lighting, and it will be secure:



An Amazon recruiting team is expected to accept applications for a site manager and delivery drivers soon. Soptic reports that Amazon hopes a distribution point at Trenton will assist in the delivery of goods in north Missouri and southern Iowa:



Soptic anticipates that the pod, resembling a storage unit, will be placed by late summer or early fall. More information is to be released as the project evolves:




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