Local business to be featured at Trenton Chamber of Commerce luncheon

Trenton Chamber of Commerce
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An area pork business will be the topic of a presentation at a luncheon meeting later this month for the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Sam DeHaas will have a slide show presentation detailing the setup of Jayhawk Pork and plans for the facility on Highway 6 west of Trenton.

The chamber luncheon is scheduled for August 24th at noon at the NCMC Barton farm campus in Trenton. The cost is $10.00 for Trenton chamber members and $11.00 for non-chamber members.

Reservations can be made by calling the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce at 660-359-4324 or sending an email to trentonchambermo2@gmail.com

The Chamber Ambassadors recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the business.

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