Livingston County Sheriff’s Department and other authorities deal with violent juvenile

Livingston County Sheriff Website
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The Livingston County Sheriff’s Office responded to an alleged confrontation after reported careless and imprudent driving Saturday evening, June 4th and dealt with an allegedly disruptive juvenile on June 6th.

Sheriff Steve Cox reports his office was responding to the careless and imprudent driving in Ludlow, but the only deputy on duty at that time was required to respond near Wheeling to assist the Highway Patrol with a traffic crash. The deputy later responded to Ludlow regarding the same call, as a man had reportedly confronted the juvenile side-by-side vehicle driver and was carrying a crowbar. The man allegedly removed the vehicle key, and the individuals separated until the deputy was on the scene.

Cox says an incident report has been completed, and a citation or citations will be issued to the side-by-side driver. Information on the alleged aggressive behaviors of the man will be submitted to the prosecuting attorney for consideration.

Cox reports a juvenile was apprehended after he or she was loud in the juvenile office at the courthouse in Chillicothe. A deputy assigned to courthouse security shut the juvenile office door because it was disrupting the other offices in the building.

The deputy reportedly heard the juvenile yelling and disrupting the entire building a short time later and saw the youth flee from juvenile officers, slam the juvenile office door, and attempt to get past the deputy. Cox says after apprehension, the juvenile had to be physically restrained because of violent behavior, resistance, and physical threats made to the deputy.

Courthouse employees notified dispatch the deputy was dealing with someone described as violent and out of control. Juvenile officers handled procedures, and two deputies took the individual to a facility in another town at the direction of the juvenile office.

Due to the individual’s juvenile status, no name was released.

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