Learn lifesaving farm safety skills at MU Extension event

Hundley Whaley Research Center
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A free event on September 4 at one of the University of Missouri Extension’s education centers offers families an opportunity to learn critical lifesaving skills. Farm families will have the chance to learn skills that could save lives on the farm during the MU Hundley-Whaley Extension and Education Center’s 47th annual Farm, Field, and Family Day.

Jennifer Miller, director of the center, reports that ongoing workshops and exhibits will be held from 4 to 8 p.m., offering ways to safeguard farm families.

Charles Ellis, MU Extension agricultural engineer, will discuss methods to improve pre-harvest safety. Licensed drivers will also have the opportunity to learn how to safely back up a gooseneck trailer.

MU Health Care’s Mobile Clinical Simulator will be present at the field day. The unit, which contains simulation equipment and facilities for medical training, is part of MU Extension’s Community Health Engagement and Outreach program.

Four computerized patient mannequins and virtual reality devices are onboard the 30-foot vehicle. MU Health Care staff will assist attendees in interacting with these mannequins to learn hands-on CPR. Attendees can also learn how to save someone from choking using the Heimlich maneuver and how to control bleeding. Participants can practice on infant, toddler, and adult mannequins.

The September 4 training comes before harvest, the most dangerous time on the farm, according to Karen Funkenbusch, MU Extension safety and health specialist.

Each year, more people die while farming than while serving as police officers, firefighters, or other emergency responders, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The rate of death for the agriculture industry is seven times higher than the national average for other workers.

The 375-acre MU Hundley-Whaley Extension and Education Center is located in Gentry County at 1109 South Birch St., Albany.

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