Laredo R-7 Board of Education approves bids for fuel, services

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The Laredo R-7 Board of Education approved several bids during their meeting on June 10.

The approved bids included propane from MFA at $1.30 per gallon, diesel from MFA at six cents off the pump price, gas from MFA at five cents off the pump price, trash service from GFL at $99.16 per month, and milk from Prairie Farms. Additionally, a bid from Chuck’s Pest Control was approved for $550 annually.

The board also approved offering voluntary student accident insurance.

It was announced that the end-of-year board meeting will be held on June 20 at 6 p.m.

The board reviewed the 2023-2024 budget, the 2024-2025 preliminary budget, and the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan/Missouri School Improvement Plan.

Discussions included summer maintenance updates, Title 1 allocations, building improvements, a tentative transportation report, and the costs of school breakfast and lunch for students.

The board moved into a closed session to discuss personnel matters.

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