Judge Carrie Lamm-Clark presides over her first session in Grundy County Associate Circuit Court

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Among the cases on Tuesday in the Associate Division of Grundy County Circuit Court:

A Princeton youth, Ethan Ray Mathews, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count from July 28 for attempting to purchase or possess liquor as a minor. On a plea agreement accepted by the court, Mathews was placed on six months of supervised probation. Among the conditions are requirements to complete alcohol counseling within 60 days, donate $50 to the law enforcement restitution fund, and pay court costs.

A resident of Wentzville, Laura Marie Sperber, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated and failing to drive on the right half of the road on August 25. Imposition of the sentence was suspended, and Sperber was placed on one year of supervised probation.

Tuesday marked the first court session for the newly-appointed Associate Circuit Court Judge for Grundy County, Carrie Lamm Clark.

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