Jamesport Tri-County Board of Education updates salary schedule and daycare rates

Jamesport Tri-County School
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The Jamesport Tri-County R-7 Board of Education updated the certified salary schedule and daycare rates at a special meeting on August 25th. The board also set the tax rate.

Superintendent David Probasco reports paraprofessionals who work with a specific group of students will receive an extra $2.00 per hour. Daycare rates increased due to inflationary costs. There are a variety of rates based on age and time at the daycare.

The tax rate was set at $4.6259 in total. That includes a $.25 temporary levy. This year’s total tax rate is an increase of $.2989 from last year. Probasco notes the board rolled back the levy by $.25 last year.

The board declared two older school buses as surplus property.

There are no announcements at this time from an executive session for personnel.

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