Jamesport Fire & Rescue to host 18th annual Appreciation Supper and Auction

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The Jamesport Fire & Rescue’s 18th Annual Community Appreciation Supper and Fund-Raising Auction will take place on September 27 at the Jamesport City Park’s Nowland Building. The event offers a chance for the community to gather in support of the local fire department.

The evening will begin with the scheduled arrival of the Life Flight Eagle Helicopter at approximately 5:00 p.m., weather and conditions permitting. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the crew and tour the helicopter.

Jamesport Fire & Rescue will provide a BBQ meal with all the fixings, along with drinks and table service. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dessert, either to serve or to auction. A free-will donation will be accepted for the meal.

At 7:00 p.m., the fundraising auction will commence, with various items available for bidding. Donations for the auction are currently being accepted. Those interested in making donations or obtaining more information are encouraged to contact Stephanie Eckert at 660-684-6524 or 660-752-7595, Joey Chadwick at 660-605-2734, Mike Eckert at 660-752-7939, or Davey Davis at 660-646-8309, as well as any local firefighter or first responder.

Jamesport Fire & Rescue is a 501(c)(3) organization, meaning that donations are tax-deductible. Funds raised through this event will support the department’s ongoing operations, including maintenance, upkeep, and equipment for both the fire department and first responders. While the fire department receives some funding from city resources and annual dues, events like this fundraiser are crucial for covering most operational expenses.

For more details or to contribute, please contact Stephanie Eckert at (660) 684-6524 or 660-752-7595 and leave a message.

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