Jamesport City Council reports results of meeting held on April 10, 2023

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The Jamesport City Council discussed streets April 10th.

City Clerk Shelley Page shared ideas the city attorney suggested the city could do to help alleviate the problem. The attorney suggested a tier tax be placed on merchandise sales sold from the stores around the four-way stop.

Another tax available would be a three percent tax on the sale of marijuana. Jamesport does not currently have a ban on the sale of the product. Council Member Earle Wright said he was not for allowing the sale of marijuana in the city.

Mayor Dana Urton suggested making another attempt to get a use tax passed.

The council approved a motion to contact the city attorney to help with the verbiage necessary to place a tier tax, a three percent marijuana tax, and a use tax on the ballot for the next city election in April 2024. The motion included all money received from the taxes be placed into the Street Fund only.

Page reported the Department of Natural Resources required a land appraiser be hired to do an official appraisal of the city lake. The council approved having Land Appraiser Eric Turner with EST Enterprises do the appraisal needed for DNR.

A title ordinance was approved. The addition authorizes civil actions to abate nuisances and allows for the award of attorney fees in such actions.

A tiny home ordinance was approved as created by the city attorney. It says so-called tiny houses and in-law houses are allowed in Jamesport if they are in compliance with regulations and restrictions. The ordinance will be placed on the agenda for passage at the next meeting.

Page reported Ray Bontrager had been doing the required testing of the two pump stations for the city. The council approved paying Bontrager $20 an hour for the specialty job while necessary.

Council Members Geoff Eads and Earle Wright and Mayor Dana Urton were sworn in. Urton made no changes to the previous officer assignments. The officers are Eads as Street Commissioner, Brandon Robb for Cemetery, Rob Murphy for Finance, and Wright as Mayor Pro-tem.

Larry Knapp from Spurrz Leasing, LLC advised the placement of his advertising sign will be on property owned by Mattie Waterbury on Auberry Grove. He requested a letter from the council stating the council was comfortable with the location.

Knapp said the advertising would include for events and activities in the community. There will be no charge for the city’s advertising.

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Jennifer Thies


Jennifer’s interest in radio began at a young age. She started as a news reporter at KTTN in January 2017, but previously worked almost a year and a half as an on-air announcer and with news at the NPR affiliate KXCV/KRNW, which serves Northwest Missouri. Jennifer was born and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Media: Broadcast Production with an Emphasis in Audio Production from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.