Jamesport City Council approves audit, discusses need to hire company to address wastewater testing

Jamesport Missouri
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The Jamesport City Council approved the 2021-2022 audit as presented on December 12th.

Mayor Dana Urton presented a resignation letter from employee Zack King.

City Clerk Shelley Page discussed the need to hire Steve McDowell with H2O Company to handle the wastewater testing and necessary paperwork to keep the city compliant with the Department of Natural Resources. The council approved hiring McDowell while necessary.

Visitor Pat Blixt discussed water problems around his property that may be caused by vehicles parking in his neighbor’s yard and the city ditches. Urton advised that the city would look into it.

After a closed session, the council voted to place an ad in the Tri-County Weekly for a new maintenance employee.

The council also voted to host a Christmas lighting contest again starting in the Christmas season of 2023. The vote came after it was noted several residents had complained about the city no longer holding a lighting contest.

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