Jackie Soptic to be sworn in as new Mayor at Trenton City Council meeting on April 24th

City of Trenton Website
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The city of Trenton will officially have a new Mayor, Jackie Soptic after swearing-in ceremonies are held during Monday night’s Trenton City Council meeting.

Four members of the city council also will be sworn in. The mayor serves a four-year term while councilmen have two-year terms.

Before the ceremony takes place at Trenton City Hall, the current members of the council consider three ordinances on Monday evening at 7 pm. One ordinance is a contract with S and B Hauling and Construction of Chula for hauling rock from a quarry to the asphalt plant.

There’s an ordinance to amend a section of city code entitled “Debris on Property – the penalty effect of failure to remove a nuisance.”

The third ordinance accepts results of the April 4th election, including the position of Mayor, each of the four city council wards, and passage of the local sales tax of three percent on any sales, within the city limits, of recreational marijuana to adults.

Once the swearing-in ceremony concludes, the new council will consider routine appointments of city officials, committees, a president pro-tem, and liaison members to various boards.

Other topics include signature authority for checks, the convention and visitors bureau budget, the release of a lien at 208 East 10th Court requested by Ricky and Jacqueline Wyant, adjustments to the current fiscal year budget, banking bids, airport hangar lease, and bids for phase one of the 10th and Oklahoma water main project.

The meeting begins at 7 pm Monday night at city hall. A Zoom option also is available.

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