Illegal poaching occuring in multiple areas of North Missouri

Deer shot illegally in north Missouri
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Grundy County Conservation Agent Jeff Berti says there have been several reports over the past ten days of deer that have been shot and either left to rot, or only the head and antlers were removed.

Deer shot illegally in north MissouriFirearms deer doesn’t officially begin until this Saturday in Missouri and Berti said multiple reports have come in from the areas close to Brimson, Melbourne, and Gilman City. There also are reports of dead deer, Berti said, northeast of Trenton along 100th Street and Route Y.  Berti said the deer shooting incidents are being actively investigated.

Individuals who’ve seen dead deer and/or have information about the incidents may contact Conservation Agent Jeff Berti at 654-2677. If those calling wish to remain anonymous, the information can be shared with the Operation Game Thief hotline. That toll-free phone number is 800-392-1111.

More details on Operation Game Thief can be found at the Operation Game Thief website.  Poachers steal the public’s opportunity to hunt, fish or collect legally and those who cheat the permit system cheat every Missouri taxpayer. The Conservation Department depends on revenue from hunting and fishing permits to manage wildlife populations and habitat.


Deer being taken illegally in North Missouri

Deer being taken illegally in North Missouri


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