Hundreds of children attend Trenton R-9 Halloween Carnival

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An estimated 300 children gathered for a night of festive fun at the Trenton R-9 schools’ Halloween Carnival on Thursday.

The evening was packed with various activities, the highlight of which was a Halloween costume contest. The competition was stiff, with first-place winners emerging in eight distinct categories. Participants ranged from infants to fourth-grade students, showcasing an array of imaginative costumes that captured the Halloween spirit.

The winners of the costume contest were:

  • R.J. Martain in the infants’ category
  • Zabella Jones in the pre-kindergarten three-year-olds group
  • Quinn Ripley among four-year-old pre-schoolers
  • Gracie Burrows representing kindergarten
  • Khane Ward from first grade
  • Jenny Proctor in second grade
  • Toby Lickteig in third grade
  • Kyzer Hert in fourth grade

Several groups and organizations within the Trenton R-9 School District generously sponsored the events of the night, contributing to the carnival’s success.

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