Grundy R-5 Board of Education hashes out days missed due to weather

Grundy R-5 School
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The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education discussed inclement weather make-up days at its meeting Wednesday evening.

Nine of the 12 days Grundy R-5 missed have to be made up.  February 18th, March 15th, and March 18th will be used as makeup days. Classes will dismiss early March 15th, with the high school at 12:30 and the elementary school at 12:40.  Other makeup days will be at the end of the school year. The last day of school for Grundy R-5 is now scheduled for May 20th, and it will be an early out.

There will be no Parent/Teacher Conferences on March 14th, and the end of the third quarter will now be March 20th.

The board set the school start date hearing at the high school in Galt for the evening of March 13th at 5 o’clock in conjunction with the regular board meeting. The Annual Performance Report was reviewed with Grundy R-5 earning 100% of the 118 points possible. The district is one of only 10 districts in Northwest Missouri to receive a perfect score on the Annual Performance Report. Areas reviewed in the report include academic achievement, subgroup achievement, college and career readiness, graduation rate, and attendance.

Advertising was approved for a special education instructor for kindergarten through sixth grade.

A closed session was held for the elementary principal evaluation and to interview candidates for the secondary principal position. The board voted six to zero to rehire Doctor Anne Billington as the elementary principal for the 2019-2020 school year. A contract was also offered to an individual for the seventh through 12th-grade principal position. A name will be released upon return of a signed contract.

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