Grundy R-5 Board of Ed sets dates for high school and preschool graduations

Grundy County R-5 School District website
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The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education set graduation dates during their September 11 meeting. The high school graduation will take place on May 11 at 2 p.m. in the high school gym. The preschool graduation will be held at the elementary school on May 15 at 2 p.m., with the fifth-grade graduation scheduled for later that day at 6 p.m. at the elementary school.

In other actions, the board approved the formation of a trapshooting team for the FFA chapter. Safety rules and a handbook for the activity were also approved. Additionally, the board granted a request to allow the FFA Barnwarming event to be held off school grounds at a local farm building.

The board agreed to cover the cost of flu shots for staff members who requested them, with the total cost amounting to $560.

Aaron Saul, an Eagle Scout candidate, presented a project to build buddy benches for the school, which was approved by the board.

A report was given on various building improvements. The new doors for the agriculture shop have been completed, as well as window installations at the high school. Ongoing work is also being done on the exterior wall of the elementary school.

Following a closed session, the board announced the resignation of Tammy Taylor, who served as an elementary paraprofessional. Jared Phillips was hired to fill the position of elementary school janitor.

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