Grundy R-5 board accepts bids for fuel, milk, groceries, construction

Grundy County R-5 School District website
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The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education accepted bids for multiple items on May 14.

Bids from MFA were accepted for diesel and propane. The diesel bid was for $2.66 per gallon, and the propane bid was for $1.25 per gallon.

A bid from Prairie Farms was approved for milk. It included 38 cents per half pint of 1% chocolate milk, 36 cents per half pint of 1% white milk, and 33 cents per half pint of skim milk.

A bid was accepted from Galt Grocery for grocery items.

Two bids were approved by Kramer Construction for replacing a metal door at the elementary school and windows at the high school. The cost for the door is $2,660, and the cost for the windows is $8,340.

The board agreed to a workday at the elementary school on June 1.

It was announced that the University of Missouri–Saint Louis recognized Grundy R-5 Elementary School in Humphreys for exceptional growth in math and English/language arts Missouri Assessment Program testing for the 2021-2022 school year.

After a closed session, it was announced that the board approved the resignations of Technology Director Dustin Koon and High School Custodian Teddy Leffler. Part-time Nurse Angela Huffman’s retirement was approved.

The board approved several extra-duty assignment contracts for the next school year.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be in the high school business room on June 11 at 6 p.m. An end-of-the-fiscal-year special board meeting will be in the high school business room on June 27 at 6 p.m.

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