Grundy County seeks new 911 site communication cabinet bids

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The Grundy County Commission is inviting bids for two National Electrical Manufacturers Association 3R Class 250 outdoor communications cabinets, intended for use at county 911 sites.

Each cabinet must feature a standard 19-inch rack and measure 78 inches high, 25 inches wide, and 25 inches deep internally. The design should include front and rear access doors, a three-point pad locking system, a powder-coated aluminum finish, and stainless steel exterior hardware. Additionally, temperature-controlled ventilation fans are required in each cabinet. The installation sites will also require a concrete pad measuring 36 by 36 by 36 inches and an electrical service of 110 volts and 100 amps for each enclosure.

Bidders have the option to propose additional features, such as an HVAC unit for temperature control inside the enclosures and meter bases with associated hardware for the 110-volt electric service, if necessary.

Interested parties should submit their proposals in a sealed envelope marked “SEALED BID.” Bids are accepted either at the county clerk’s office located in the courthouse in Trenton or by email to until May 7 at 9:30 a.m., at which time they will be publicly opened.

The Grundy County Commission retains the authority to accept or reject any or all proposals. Inquiries should be directed to Courtney Campbell, Grundy County Clerk, at 660-359-4040 extension 4.

In other news, Grundy County has once again been recognized with the Risk Management Excellence Award by the Missouri Association of Counties Trust Board of Directors. This award is given in acknowledgment of the county’s achievement in having no recordable work-related injuries or illnesses during the fiscal year 2023. This marks the second consecutive year the county has received this distinction.

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