Grundy County Republicans urge resignation of State GOP Chairman

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The Grundy County Republican Central Committee, along with interested guests, met on Tuesday night, July 9, to address recent developments within the Missouri GOP. The committee decided to send a letter requesting the resignation of State GOP Chairman Nick Meyers. Additionally, the group resolved to have Vice Chairman David Meservey contact State Senator Rusty Black to make a statement or face censure.

The meeting included discussions on accepting all decisions made during the recent State Republican Convention, which was attended by 850 delegates in Springfield. This included the party platform and amendments.

Grundy County Republican Chairwoman Becky McDonald stated that the letter and call to action are responses to the issues at the Missouri Convention. The convention faced a five-hour delay due to credentialing problems. Sophie Shore, campaign manager for Bill Eigel, who is running for governor, was elected chairman for the day. The Trump slate of delegates, including Representative Mazzie Christensen, Bill Eigel, and Jay Ashcroft, was elected, along with new National Committee representatives.

McDonald reported that two attorneys from Missouri challenged the Republican Party’s selections for the National Convention. This challenge led to the National Convention rejecting the Trump delegation and sending the matter back to the Executive Committee of the Missouri GOP.

On July 3, the Missouri Executive Committee voted to send another slate of delegates chosen by Chairman Nick Meyers. McDonald mentioned that the True Trump delegates have challenged this new slate.

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