Grundy County Farm Bureau holds annual meeting

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Two speakers, three awards, the election of officers and board members, adoption of resolutions highlighted the annual meeting of the Grundy County Farm Bureau.

Chief Administrative Officer of Missouri Farm Bureau Dan Cassity discussed priorities of the statewide organization while promoting the importance of agriculture. Cassity addressed issues such as affordable access to broadband, high-speed internet, more funding for transportation as well as regulatory and tax reform.

First Vice President of the Missouri FFA and Trenton High School graduate Mariah Fox discussed the impact Farm Bureau has had on her as she prepares to compete next month for a National FFA proficiency award in ag communications. She credited use of the Farm Bureau farm facts book as educating herself and our KTTN listeners on her weekly Friday, Farm Facts, From Fox.

This years’ recipient of a Century Farm certificate are Bill and Susie Bear who own 135 acres west of Trenton. Tyler Hall of the MU Extension office in Trenton noted there are 63 century farms in Grundy County. Farm Bureau mini-grants were won by Suzi Beck at Trenton middle school and Rebecca Steinhoff at Pleasant View R6.

Re-elected Farm Bureau leaders were President David Meservey, Vice President Carl Woodard, and Secretary-Treasurer Marcy Meservey. Selected for two-year terms on the Farm Bureau board were Trent Steinhoff and Colby Epperson.

Approval also was given by those present last night to ten resolutions that Grundy County will advance to policy committee discussions of the Missouri Farm Bureau organization.

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