Grundy County Commission discusses possibility of contracting with firm for programs regarding ambulance billing

Grundy County Ambulance Medic 5
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The Grundy County Commission, at a special meeting on October 27th, discussed the possibility of contracting with a consulting firm for two programs regarding ambulance billing. Jason White with the Mid-America Regional Council and Sarah DiCicco with Public Consulting Group spoke about Ground Emergency Transport regarding Medicaid and the mandatory Ground Ambulance Data Collection System regarding Medicare.

There would be a 13.5% fee if the county contracted with PCG to help with GEMT and a $35,000 fee for GADCS.

When talking about GEMT, DiCicco said a cost report is due November 30th, and the state has 90 days to review the report. The county could get some funds back, and funds are usually back to a county by May. White noted the county could have a $51,000 net gain for the GEMT. He commented there would be no incurred cost for Grundy County for 2022. DiCicco reported that when the cost report was complete, PCG could tell better what the county would get back and payout. The county would only pay once a year for the program. Commissioner Don Sager said it would be important to know the numbers to budget for the county.

The program is transferable, and DiCicco said that if an ambulance district formed, PCG could still work with the ambulance.

White reported that GADCS regards Medicare and is through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He explained the program asks about 10,000 ambulance departments in the country to submit information. There is a 12-month collection period and a five-month reporting period. There would be a 10% reduction with Medicare payments if an ambulance service did not participate. DiCicco said PCG would work with the department to make sure it is set up and has training for the GADCS. PCG would put the information into the system, and it would also be there for the county if there was an audit. The state could conduct an audit up to seven years after a cost report. She commented PCG’s number one goal was compliance. DiCicco said the firm’s accounting experts know what expenses are allowed and what is not on a cost report. The expenses could include things like vehicle depreciation, rent, and utilities.

PCG would not send an invoice until the work was complete. The ambulance could get money back from GADCS, too.

Grundy County would report on the calendar year, and it would have until May 2023 for a report. If the county contracted with PCG, the consulting firm would send an invoice in June.

It would be voluntary to work with PCG, and a contract with the firm would allow the county to skip a year if it decided. If Grundy County wanted to work with PCG, a contract would have to be in by November 1st. White noted a cost report has to be done anyway. Presiding Commissioner Phillip Ray wanted the commission to take time to consider the information provided on October 27th. The commission will revisit the matter at the regular commission meeting on November 1st.

DiCicco said it was fine for the commission to vote and potentially sign the contract with PCG that day.

White also mentioned a Department of Public Safety Grant with a $20,000 cap that the county might want to consider. He reported it had a 50% match, and an entity had to register on the DPS website. There is $10 million to disburse.

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