Great Northwest Day at the Capitol set for February 6 and 7

Great Northwest Day
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Planning is underway for the Great Northwest Day at the Capitol, scheduled to take place at the Capitol Plaza in Jefferson City on February 6 and 7.

This event offers constituents from the 19-county Northwest Missouri region an effective platform for voicing their concerns directly in Jefferson City. The schedule includes introductions of the delegation on the House and Senate floors, a breakfast with a keynote speaker, and regional roundtable sessions.

The Great Northwest Day Steering Committee, consisting of regional community leaders, oversees the event. Each county appoints a coordinator responsible for liaising with community leaders to identify legislative priorities with a regional impact. Scott Sharp has been appointed as the coordinator for Grundy County.

The Great Northwest Day Priorities Committee is tasked with selecting the top four or five priorities to be highlighted during the two-day event.

A notable addition this year is a Northwest Missouri reception, scheduled before the Great Northwest Celebration on Tuesday evening. During this reception, legislators from the region will provide updates, and the Northwest Missouri Citizen of the Year Award will be presented.

The Great Northwest Celebration will feature booths from each participating county, showcasing their communities and providing insights into what Northwest Missouri has to offer. This event also facilitates face-to-face interactions between attendees, legislators, and other guests.

For further information about the Great Northwest Day at the Capitol, contact Grundy County Coordinator Scott Sharp at 660-654-1511, email, or visit, which includes a registration link.

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