Grand River Valley Choir and Orchestra free concert is Saturday

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The Grand River Valley Choir and Orchestra (GRVCO) will present its summer concert at the Trenton R-9 Performing Arts Center on Saturday, June 15. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and the program, titled “Sunlit Silence,” will begin at 7 p.m.

The concert will feature the world premiere of a commissioned piece by Jonathan Krinke of Lee’s Summit, specifically written for the GRVCO. Krinke will also conduct the piece, titled “Sunlit Silence.”

Choir Director Tyler Busick says the piece will celebrate the GRVCO’s 15th season and is dedicated to the late Buddy Hannaford, one of the group’s founders and the original orchestra conductor. “Sunlit Silence” will be one of two songs performed when the choir and orchestra combine.

Orchestra Director Chris Thomas notes the orchestra will open the concert with “Radetsky March,” followed by “American Folk Rhapsody Number 1,” “Out of Africa,” “English Folk Song Suite,” and “The Magnificent Seven.” The choir will sing “Big Sky,” “Hold Fast to Dreams,” “Measure Me, Sky!,” and “Music in the Air.” The choir and orchestra will then combine for “He Never Failed Me Yet” and “Sunlit Silence.”

Busick says there are over 40 singers in the Grand River Valley Choir, making it the largest choir in the group’s history. He describes the group as “super exciting.”



There are about 20 musicians in the orchestra.

Choir Member Amy Guthrie says GRVCO is a regional organization representing many area communities. She describes performing with other regional musicians as “a pleasure” and is “blown away” by their talent.



Following the concert on June 15, community members will be able to meet the musicians and Krinke in the Trenton High School Commons.

The Grand River Valley Choir and Orchestra concert is free, but donations will be accepted.

GRVCO is a 501(c)(3) organization. Guthrie notes that the group does not have sponsors and relies on donations to fund its concerts. GRVCO has a Donors Club with various donation levels. Information about the Donors Club will be available at the concert door. Guthrie says contributors will be listed in the concert program.

Krinke mentioned that a group like the Grand River Valley Choir and Orchestra is rare in communities like Trenton. He states that when people give to the organization, they are “keeping the arts alive.”



More information is available on the Grand River Valley Choir and Orchestra website.

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