Governor Parson signs bill to defund Planned Parenthood services

Planned Parenthood Building (Photo by Tessa Weinberg - Missouri Independent)
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(Missourinet) – Governor Mike Parson has signed a bill into law that would defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. They are already banned from being reimbursed by MoHealthNet, the state’s Medicaid provider, but the new law will bar tax dollars from any state revenue source to be used to reimburse abortion costs. Arnold Republican Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman sponsored the House bill in the Senate.



“This is something that isn’t just a hot topic this year, but actually it’s been a hot topic for the last 20 years and something that the Republican supermajority has been trying to do for over 20 years since we retook the majority. Missourians are pro-life and Missourians do not want taxpayer dollars to be funding abortions or entities that support abortions.”

Manchester Democratic Representative Deb Lavender took issue with the bill, saying that 30-thousand women go to a Missouri Planned Parenthood for their healthcare needs.

(Photo by Tessa Weinberg – Missouri Independent)

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