Governor Parson recognizes teacher from Meadville, students from Dewey School during “State of the State” address

Missouri Governor Mike Parson (Photo courtesy Missouri Governor's office)
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A teacher from the Meadville R-4 School District and two students from the Dewey Elementary School in Chillicothe were in attendance when Governor Mike Parson delivered his “State of the State” address Wednesday afternoon at the Missouri State Capital in Jefferson City. The annual speech came during a joint session of the Missouri House and Senate.

During a portion of his speech, Parson talked about the Teacher Baseline Program which increased teacher pay up to $38,000 a year. He recognized a first-grade teacher at Meadville school, Emily Fluckey:



Governor Parson recognized seven “Blue Ribbon” schools for their academic achievements. Among them was the Dewey Elementary School in Chillicothe. The 4th and 5th grades were represented by two pupils, Mahlia Waheed and Decker Rardon.



The entire “State of the State” address by Governor Mike Parson can be heard below.


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