Gilman City Board of Education sets summer school dates

Gilman City School
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The Gilman City R-4 Board of Education on March 20 approved summer school, which will be held from May 16 to May 30.

An early dismissal was approved for the HDC track event on April 24.

Elementary School Principal Jill Sperry reported that 37 students from kindergarten through eighth grade attended the Williford STEM event in Bethany on March 6. Students showcased STEM projects they built in Gilman City’s after-school clubs.

The elementary basketball season will conclude this weekend during the Gilman City Elementary Tournament. As of March 20, Sperry mentioned the girls’ team was undefeated.

KC Wolf is scheduled to visit the school on April 3 to support the kickoff of the Missouri Assessment Program and End of Course testing.

Little Hawks Night is planned for April 22.

Sperry shared that spring conferences on March 14 proceeded smoothly, with most elementary school parents in attendance.

The elementary school is considering an update to its reading program for the next year. Some teachers visited Pattonsburg on March 21 to observe its reading program. The school will reconvene with the Northwest Missouri Regional Professional Development Center on April 2 to continue curriculum development.

High School Principal Brent Mitchell reported that the high school academic team was undefeated and leading the conference in points. Ethen Elder was named First Team All-Conference.

The track team organized a dodgeball tournament, raising $3,000.

Mitchell also mentioned the commencement of the FFA contest.

Baseball season started on March 19 with a game against Albany.

Superintendent Roger Alley announced that water testing results were satisfactory, with no identified problems.

A new bus barn has been completed.

Following an executive session, it was revealed that the board accepted resignations from Part-Time Librarian Cheryl Witten and High School Business Teacher Morgan Axtell.

Kathleen Oram was appointed as a third-grade teacher.

All other faculty members were reappointed for the next school year.

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