Galt Board of Aldermen set new garbage rates, approves FY 2024-2025 budget

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The Galt Board of Aldermen held a meeting on July 15th, where several important decisions were made concerning city services and budgeting.

The board accepted a contract renewal with GFL of Chillicothe, which will now charge the city a new rate of $13.79 per household for trash collection. In line with this, the board also approved a new garbage rate ordinance. The city will now charge a uniform rate of $14.50 for two trash cans per household. Any additional cans will incur a fee of $7.25 per can, with a maximum of three cans allowed per household.

In other financial news, the board approved the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget. The projected account receivable is set at $137,275, while the projected account payable totals $128,425.

Additionally, the board approved a $100 donation to the Galt Fair Board to help cover the cost of a porta potty used during the fair last weekend.

The City of Galt is currently seeking applicants for a water/sewer operator and general operations position. Applications can be obtained at Galt City Hall or requested via email at

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