Gallatin Board of Education approve salary schedule for classified staff, sports cooperative with Tri-County renewed

Gallatin R-5 High School Website
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The Gallatin R-5 Board of Education on April 20th approved a salary schedule for classified staff.

Base hourly rates will be $15 for the positions of building secretary, substitute placement clerk, Parents As Teachers coordinator and secretary, and custodian. Base hourly rates will be $14 for paraprofessionals and cooks. The base hourly rate will be $20.50 for a bus driver and $22.20 for an Early Childhood Special Education bus driver.

The sports cooperative with Tri-County R-7 was renewed for next school year.

Approval was given to a fuel contract with MFA for next school year for 10,800 gallons at $3.1825 per gallon. That does not include the road tax.

The board approved the summer school handbook.

It also approved a funding formula resolution that involves how Gallatin R-5 is funded by the state. The board calls upon the State Board of Education to appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission to study the foundation formula and present findings and recommendations by November 30th.

Trent Dowell was removed, and Vice President Jesse Bird was added to BTC Bank accounts. The accounts were for operating, petty cash, and health savings.

Approval was also given to transfer the certificate of deposit, penalty-free, from its current interest rate of 1% to a one-year CD at 3% interest.

After a closed session for personnel, the board accepted letters of resignation from Special Education Instructor Rhonda Malo, Band Instructor Jack Malo, First Grade Teacher Crystal Hamilton, and Science Teacher Dan McCann. Other letters of resignation were accepted from Kim Johnson as Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America advisor and Chad Sullenger as boys varsity basketball coach.

Teaching positions were offered for next school year to Alexis Manley, Stephanie Gates, and John Salehi. A counseling position was offered for next school year to Devin Billings.

The board approved extending the intent to employ to current classified staff for next school year.

Coach and advisor positions were offered for next school year.

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Jennifer Thies

Jennifer’s interest in radio began at a young age. She started as a news reporter at KTTN in January 2017, but previously worked almost a year and a half as an on-air announcer and with news at the NPR affiliate KXCV/KRNW, which serves Northwest Missouri. Jennifer was born and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Media: Broadcast Production with an Emphasis in Audio Production from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.