Gallatin Board of Aldermen set new water rates

Gallatin City Hall
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The Gallatin Board of Aldermen set water rates for Daviess County Public Water Supply District Number 2 on September 11. The rates were set at $11.35 per 1,000 gallons.

A picnic liquor license was approved for the Gallatin Theater League for the Chautauqua event this weekend.

A proclamation was approved for Constitution Week, which will run from September 17 through September 23.

A report was provided on calls for service within the Gallatin city limits by the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office from August 18 to September 11. The calls included two harassment investigations that resulted in three felony arrests, as well as one sex offender violation investigation that led to one felony arrest. Investigations into one identity theft, one burglary, and two instances of property damage are ongoing.

Final preparations are underway for the Chautauqua parade on September 16. The street department staff has cleaned the streets around the square and painted new parking lines in preparation for the event.

An active shooter drill was conducted at Gallatin School last week.

Administrator Lance Rains reported that five new code enforcement letters were sent. Ordinance Officer Carly Taul will provide updates.

The deadline for proposals for the lead survey project is September 22.

Rains also reported that the Missouri Public Utility Alliance began work on the 2400 system on September 11. Door hangers were placed on houses affected by the project.

The new bucket truck for the electric department is running well. The city plans to advertise the blue bucket truck for sale in the near future. Staff members were called to disconnect an electric service line after a skid loader came into contact with an electric line while cleaning up a property.

The city is awaiting bids from tree trimmers in the requested format.

The water department staff has updated its inventory and performed maintenance on the water plant.

The wastewater plant is operating smoothly. A new grinder pump is set to be ordered.

Vance Brothers will be in Gallatin during the last week of September or the first week of October to begin the chip seal project. It is hoped that Metro Asphalt will start a hot mix project within the next two to three weeks.

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