Free Skin Cancer Screening Clinic to be held in Chillicothe

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The Livingston County Health Center will be the site of a free Skin Cancer Screening Clinic from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 7th by appointment only.

Cleaver Dermatology of Kirksville will be providing two dermatologists to perform screenings at the clinic, opening up more appointment slots.

You must have an appointment to attend this screening, as space is very limited. If you receive an appointment and later need to cancel, please let us know, so we can fill your slot.

It’s important to remember that skin cancer can happen at any age, it doesn’t just affect seniors after years of damage. Skin cancers like melanoma are deadly and need to be treated sooner rather than later. If you have never been checked for skin cancer, or have some spots, moles or other areas on your skin that concern you, come to this free clinic.

To make your appointment for the November 7th Skin Cancer Screening Clinic, call the health center at 646-5506.

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