Four plead guilty in Missouri illegal firearms sales investigation

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A federal investigation into illegal firearm sales in Missouri has led to guilty pleas from four individuals, including a convicted felon. The case, prosecuted in the U.S. District Court in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, highlights a network of unlicensed gun sales, complicity among licensed dealers, and firearms linked to multiple crime scenes across several states.

Individuals Charged:

  • Terry Lee Allen, 38, Marble Hill, Missouri: Pleaded guilty to one count of unlicensed firearms dealing.
  • William Henry Otto, 46, Marble Hill, Missouri: Pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting unlicensed firearms dealing and admitted to knowingly aiding Allen’s illegal gun sales.
  • Shawn Dennis Stockard: Convicted felon involved in the illegal use of a Federal Firearms License (FFL) to acquire firearms.
  • Stockard’s spouse: Involved in the transfer of illegally obtained firearms.

Case Background:

Terry Lee Allen, 38, admitted his role in unlicensed firearms dealing. On November 19, 2021, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) identified Allen as a frequent buyer of multiple firearms from licensed dealers. He was the last known purchaser of seven guns connected to crime scenes in several states. Between June 24, 2018, and June 6, 2021, Allen purchased 38 firearms from Bull Run Weaponry in Marble Hill, Missouri. The shop owner, William Henry Otto, did not report Allen’s suspicious activities to the ATF.

Undercover ATF agents conducted two sting operations in December 2021, purchasing firearms from Allen, who lacked a Federal Firearms License (FFL). On December 21, 2021, during a court-approved search of Allen’s home, authorities seized 24 firearms and $55,200 in cash. Otto’s records revealed he sold at least 199 firearms to Allen, the majority of which were sold illegally. Allen and Otto also exchanged messages discussing the illicit sales.

Otto’s Guilty Pleas:

William Henry Otto, 46, pleaded guilty on August 22 to aiding and abetting unlicensed firearms dealing. In a separate case in July, he admitted allowing Shawn Dennis Stockard, a convicted felon, to use his FFL to buy firearms at an Illinois auction house. Stockard then transported the firearms to Missouri, transferring them to his wife through Otto.

Stockard’s Illegal Activities:

In early 2022, the ATF learned of Stockard’s gun sales and his connection to Otto. A court-approved search of Stockard’s residence uncovered 215 firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and numerous accessories, including high-capacity magazines. Both Stockard and his spouse have pleaded guilty and are awaiting sentencing.

Upcoming Sentences:

  • William Henry Otto is scheduled for sentencing on November 21.
  • Terry Lee Allen is scheduled for sentencing on November 26.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted the investigation, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Timothy Willis is handling the prosecution.

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