Former Chillicothe police officer pleads guilty to felony stealing charge

Jeremy Don Stephens booking photo
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A former Chillicothe police officer has pleaded guilty to a felony stealing charge related to the theft of cash from the police department’s evidence room in July 2020. Jeremy Don Stephens, 40, of Brookfield, appeared in Livingston County Circuit Court on Monday, where two other stealing counts against him were dismissed.

The prosecutor is recommending probation for Stephens, a decision that may or may not be followed by 43rd Circuit Court Judge Brent Elliott. No date has been set for the sentencing.

According to a probable cause statement from the Highway Patrol, Stephens was accused of stealing $2,103 in cash while employed as an evidence officer. The dismissed charges were related to the theft of two handguns.

The investigation was initiated by the Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control at the request of the Chillicothe Police Department.

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