FFDD to host “Walk Against Hunger” benefitting Bright Futures Trenton and Backpack Buddies of Grundy County

Lets Fight Hunger Together
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Bright Futures Trenton and Backpack Buddies of Grundy County will benefit from the Families and Friends of the Developmentally Disabled’s Walk Against Hunger on April 25th in the evening. Donations can be brought to the event at the C. F. Russell Stadium from 5 to 6 o’clock and placed in participants’ backpacks.

Bright Futures Trenton Volunteer Co-coordinator Terri Critten explains Bright Futures Trenton was established to help meet the basic needs of students.



Critten reports Bright Futures Trenton has initiatives to meet the food needs of students. One is weekend snack packs for students too young to receive food from Backpack Buddies.



Critten comments that sometimes there are more students in need than the Community Food Pantry of Grundy County can provide for Backpack Buddies.



Backpack Buddies Volunteer Coordinator Ginny Wikoff says Backpack Buddies provides food for students at the six Grundy County schools that have elementary-age children. The Second Harvest Community Food Bank of Saint Joseph has limited Backpack Buddies to 100 students in Grundy County.

Wikoff mentions Backpack Buddies costs $175 per academic year per student.



Backpack Buddies of Grundy County paid its bill to Second Harvest and follows the government’s MyPlate Program.



Wikoff says there is no overhead for Backpack Buddies, so for every dollar given, a dollar will go toward the program.

Donations can be mailed to the food pantry at 1703 Harris Avenue in Trenton or dropped in the mail slot by one of the doors at the pantry. Donations should indicate on the envelope or check that they are for Backpack Buddies.

Critten says the Lions Club has also helped with an initiative to meet the food needs of middle school athletes.



Critten notes a bag of groceries is also provided for the family of each student in need in preschool through 12th grade over the holidays.



FFDD Executive Director Kayla Graham explains participants will wear string backpacks and walk around the track. Participants can also bring their own backpacks. Community members can attend the walk and put donations in the backpacks.



Graham says Farmers Bank of Northern Missouri provided 50 string backpacks, and about 35 individuals have agreed to participate.



Graham notes the money raised from the Walk Against Hunger will be split 50/50 between Bright Futures and Backpack Buddies.

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